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KSU Initiatives To Develop And Support Scientific Research


Aiming at increasing KSU's quantitative and qualitative research publications in prestigious Web Of Knowledge journals, KSU Leadership Embraced several initiatives such as:


I : Make proper use of KSU theses and research projects to increase scientific         publishing.

Stimulating graduate (MS and PhD) students and their faculty supervisors to publish the results and outputs of their (previous or new) theses in scientific journals classified in Thomson Reuters (Web of Knowledge) databases.


  • : Ten thousand (10,000) SAR for both the supervisor and student. The supervisor will get credit for each published paper when applying for promotion in accordance with KSU's regulations.


For further inquiries about this initiative, please contact the Deanship of Graduate Studies.


II: KSU Undergraduate Publication and Travel Award

The prize aims to stimulate and encourage undergraduate students to publish the results of their scientific and creative outputs in Journals classified in Thomson Reuters (Web of Knowledge), through their association with a research distinguished Faculty to oversee the publication stages, mechanisms and requirements. Moreover, encourage undergraduate students to participate in international scientific conferences.


  • : Ten thousand (10,000) SAR per Article.


III: Researcher's Services and Support Unit - RSSU

The Unit will provide KSU employees (researchers and faculty members) with support and technical services related to scientific research and its applications in various disciplines. In addition, help researcher to publish their work in Thomson Reuters (Web of Knowledge) Journals. Some of the services provided; translation services, data analysis, language proofing, and more. RSSU yearly budget is 10 million SAR.


IV: Research Publication Rewards

Ten thousand (10,000) SAR financial stipend for each research paper (Article Type) published in Thomson Reuters (Web of Knowledge) journals in the year 2013 by KSU Saudi and non-Saudi researcher. If, the researcher has not obtained any financial support for this search work from any Governmental agency. Moreover, if there are more than one KSU researcher participated in this research work, the reward will be distributed equally among KSU researchers (KSU employees).


V: Supporting new KSU faculty members, Raaid program

The program designed to attract new KSU faculty members to participate in its distinguished research environment at an early stage. Through providing researchers with, financial and material support, appropriate research environment and disseminating the spirit of competition between researchers. The quality of the research proposal, as well as the need and importance of its outputs, are the fundamental basis for the research excellence and competitiveness. Raaid program yearly allocated budget is 3 million SAR.


VI: research groups

It is a group of distinguished interdisciplinary researchers with integrated competences and expertise, along with young researchers and graduate students. They all work together to transfer skills, experience, and to ensure quality, intensity and continuity of KSU research production. Each research group receives between 150,000 to 250,000 SAR . RESEARCH GROUPS yearly allocated budget is 25 million SAR.


VII: Highly Cited international research groups

Aiming at improving KSU scientific research through local capacity building of the young Saudi researchers. Groups initiated based on research and academic partnership with highly cited scholars for KSU researchers to reach high-quality research and qualify their works to be published in journals with high impact factor such as Nature & Science. HIGHLY CITED INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH GROUPS yearly allocated budget is 5 million SAR.


VIII: research centers in the colleges

Under the administration of the deanship of scientific research, KSU has twenty-one research centers, including two centers in the women's colleges.  These centers inspire and support research works of KSU faculty members at the premises of their colleges and departments. They provide many administrative and technical services and financial support to researchers.


IX: book-publishing reward

Stimulating, enriching and disseminating knowledge through Providing KSU faculty members with financial Support of the amount (SAR 50,000 to 100,000) to publish quality books. Yearly allocated budget for this initiative is 10 million SAR. 


X: King Saud University Award for scientific excellence

KSU seeks to organize this important event every year, the award includes seven categories: Lifetime research award, Quality of scientific research award, Publication productivity ward, Discoveries, innovations & technology licensing award, University-Business, industry, society institution collaboration award, Best book award and Post Graduate students excellence award. Yearly allocated budget for this award is 3 million SAR.


XI: Distinguished Scientific Fellowship Program (DSFP) & Visiting Professor Program

These two programs aim at granting KSU faculty members the opportunity to engage in developing quality research projects with internationally distinguished researchers. Distinguished researchers will conduct lectures and participate in seminars & workshops in KSU colleges and relevant departments. Yearly allocated budget for these two programs is 30 million SAR.   


For further inquiries about initiatives II to X, please contact the Deanship of Scientific Research.


تاريخ آخر تحديث : يناير 12, 2023 2:53ص